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Chemical Information: Obidoxime Chloride

Chemical Structure of Obidoxime Chloride

Obidoxime Chloride

Cat. No. HXO-30710
CAS. No. 114-90-9
Category API Standards
Stock Status Available - In-Stock
Molecular Formula C14H1Cl2N4O3
Molecular Weight 359.21 mol/g
Synonyms 1;1’[Oxybis(methylene)]-bis[4-(hydroxyimino)methyl]pyridinium Dchloride; Toxogonin Dchloride; Toxogonine; Toxobidin; Toksobidin
Application "Obidoxime is a member of the oxime family used to treat nerve gas poisoning. Oximes are drugs known for their ability to reverse the binding of organophosphorus compounds to the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Oximes such as obidoxime, pralidoxime and"

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Reference: Information on this page is gathered from several sources including: PubChem

Products related to : Obidoxime Chloride

Obidoxime Chloride

Cat. No.: HXO-30710

Category: API Standards

Cas. No.: 114-90-9


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