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Chemical Information: Oxybenzone

Chemical Structure of Oxybenzone


Cat. No. HXO-02030
CAS. No. 131-57-7
Category API Standards
Stock Status Available - In-Stock
Molecular Formula C14H12O3
Molecular Weight 228.24 mol/g
Application "Oxybenzone is a benzophenone derivative used as a sunscreen agent. Oxybenzone absorbs UVB and UVA II rays, resulting in a photochemical excitation and absorption of energy. Upon return to ground state, the absorbed energy results in emission of longer wav"

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Reference: Information on this page is gathered from several sources including: PubChem

Products related to : Oxybenzone


Cat. No.: HXO-02030

Category: API Standards

Cas. No.: 131-57-7


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