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Chemical Information: Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride

Chemical Structure of Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride

Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride

Cat. No. HXO-01667
CAS. No. 579-56-6
Category API Standards
Stock Status Available - In-Stock
Molecular Formula C18H24ClNO3
Molecular Weight 337.84 mol/g
Application Isoxsuprine is a beta-adrenergic agonist that causes direct relaxation of uterine and vascular smooth muscle. Its vasodilating actions are greater on the arteries supplying skeletal muscle than on those supplying skin. It is used in the treatment of perip

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Reference: Information on this page is gathered from several sources including: PubChem

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Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride

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Category: API Standards

Cas. No.: 579-56-6

Isoxsuprine EP impurity B

Cat. No.: HXO-13828

Category: Impurities

Cas. No.: 395-28-8

Isoxsuprine EP impurity A

Cat. No.: HXEO-00717

Category: Impurities

Cas. No.: 1518-97-4

Isoxsuprine hydrochloride (1354003)

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Category: USP Standards

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erythro-Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride

Cat. No.: HXW-00052

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erythro-Isoxsuprine 13C6 Hydrochloride

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Category: Stable Isotopes

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