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Product Information: 4-Hydroxy-Teriflunomide

Chemical Structure of 4-Hydroxy-Teriflunomide


Cat. No. HXT-28773
CAS. No. 1058722-45-4
Category Metabolites
Stock Status Instock
Molecular Formula C12H9F3N2O3
Application "4-Hydroxy-Teriflunomide is a metabolite of Leflunomide , an immunosuppressive. Inhibits T and B cell proliferation. Activity is attributed mainly to its metabolite, a malononitrile derivative, which is beleived to inhibit dihydroorotate dehydrogenase as well as several protein tyrosine kinases. Therapeutically as a antirheumatic (Merck Index)."

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Reference: Information on this page is gathered from several sources including: PubChem


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