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Product Information: Teriflunomide

Chemical Structure of Teriflunomide


Cat. No. HXO-05920
CAS. No. 163451-81-8
Category API Standards
Stock Status Instock
Molecular Formula C12H9F3N2O2
Molecular Weight 270.21 mol/g
Synonyms Leflunomide EP Impurity B
Application "A77 1726 is the active metabolite of Leflunomide, a potent disease-modifying antirheumatic drug used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. LEF-M interferes with dendritic cell function. The second Phase III study evaluating the efficacy of Genzyme’s t"

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Reference: Information on this page is gathered from several sources including: PubChem

Products related to : Teriflunomide


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Category: API Standards

Cas. No.: 75706-12-6


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