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Chemical Information: Gabapentin acid Impurity

Chemical Structure of Gabapentin acid Impurity

Gabapentin acid Impurity

Cat. No. HXO-32644
CAS. No. 1281568-83-9
Category Impurities
Stock Status Available - In-Stock
Molecular Formula C13H23NO3
Molecular Weight 241.33 mol/g
Synonyms 1-[[(2-Methyl-1-oxopropyl)amino]methyl]cyclohexaneacetic Acid
Application 1-[[(2-Methyl-1-oxopropyl)amino]methyl]cyclohexaneacetic Acid is derived from Gabapentin (G117250), which is an amino acid structurally related to ?-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA), designed to cross the blood brain barrier. Used as an anticonvulsant. Also, it is an impurity formed in the synthesis of [1-[[(a-isobutanoyloxyethoxy)carbonyl]aminomethyl]-1-cyclohexane Acetic Acid.

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Reference: Information on this page is gathered from several sources including: PubChem


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